Basics of ethnoastronomy (ETH)
The basics of ethnoastronomy section (ETH) consists of a series of topics which are intended to impart basic ethnoastronomical knowledge.
ETH 1 Introduction
responsible person: Alejandro Martín LópezETH 2 Social construction of knowledge
responsible person: tbdETH 3 Field-work A
responsible person: tbdETH 4 Field-work B
responsible person: tbdETH 5 Prolematizing some key concepts
responsible person: tbdETH 6 Middle-range theories
responsible person: tbdETH 7 The astronomy of who?
responsible person: tbdETH 8 Knoledge systems and their change
responsible person: tbdETH 9 Astronomy from the body
responsible person: tbdETH 10 Astronomical knowledge and European global expnasion
responsible person: tbdETH 11 Ethnography of the academic astronomy
responsile person: tbdETH 12 Gender and astronomy
responsible person: tbdETH 13 The researcher responsibility
responsible person: tbdETH 14 Ethnoastronomy and education
responsible person: tbdETH 15 Heritage
responsible person: tbd